A new beginning

The Hive.
2 min readJul 7, 2021
Youtube: Visuals by The Hive

It has taken me over two years to get this point where I have decided writing is worth some sort of commitment. The reason for this is beyond anyone’s understanding, even mine. What matters is that we are here.

Regardless of how unpolished the words may spew, how undeserving I feel they are, I need to get over the fear of recognising and sitting with some sort of mediocrity on my part.

My Medium is going to be divided into six main categories:

[Click on each title to access the category list!]


These are monthly pieces that explore an insight or feeling that I feel has defined a specific month for me. These will usually be accompanied by a short visual.


These pieces will explore the randomness and ridiculousness of being alive and conscious, human relationships and whacky experiences. Hopefully we can draw some insight from them.


Oh boy, the dangers of capitalism? How we measure success and why? An exit class into adulting that nobody cares to give you. All here baby. Whether you’re navigating corporate, going it alone for more fulfilment or in that weird in between where you don’t really mind wherever you are, we’ll explore all that.


Music is healing. It always has been and it always will be. Here I will explore what certain pieces of art mean to me and press you to find what they mean to you.


While I accept, with great dissatisfaction, the randomness of my existence, I also am incredibly fascinated by the ins and outs of it. I’ll be exploring cool things that we have created, cool things that existed before humans, and just generally anything we are particularly curious about.


On these holy Saturdays, we will be flexing our creative muscles, and attempting to conjure up worlds in 500 to 1000 words. I plan to be as pretentious and as literarily extravagant as possible. You will cringe, and I will enjoy every little bit of it.

The same way you start slow when you first commit to the gym is the same way I will also commit to this.

One article every week.

Enjoy for however long this lasts.



The Hive.

Here to learn. Making it a point not to judge the portrayal of my lived experiences through the eyes of strangers.